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Yoga Teacher Training Course (200hr YTTC)

 Twin Sharing

Yoga Retreat Session

 Retreat Session

Sound Healing Residential Program

 Twin Sharing


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    Note: You have to pay 100$ as Booking Amount.
    Rest you have to pay when you reach Us.


    Relax body & mind for visit our yoga session!!

    Why Rishikesh is known as the Yoga Capital of the World

    Rishikesh, known as the “Yoga Capital of the World,” doesn’t require special notice as the primary location for yoga instruction and practise. Although Rishikesh has always been a popular tourist destination due to its status as the birthplace of yoga, the city gained more notoriety when The Beatles visited in 1968. Since ancient times, the location has served as a haven for yogis, saints, and practitioners who come there to learn about this traditional Indian practise, advance their understanding of it, become instructors, or even find enlightenment.

    But do you know what gives Rishikesh its reputation for yoga and spirituality? First off, Rishikesh is frequently cited as the origin of yogic practises.

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